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Gartner: Top Strategic Technology Trends 2024

Written by HOD | Nov 29, 2023 6:43:51 AM

Gartner has revealed the 10 strategic technology trends poised to reshape the business  in 2024, where AI takes center stage. These strategic technologies are expected to significantly impact business and technology decision over the next 3 years.

There are 3 distinct patterns can be categorized of these technologies from Gartner, urging every business to consider integrating them into their strategies. By aligning them with organizational plans and objectives, businesses can cultivate stability and security, paving the way for substantial and sustainable growth.

1. Protect your investment

This trend focuses on technologies that enable organizations to grow intelligently and securely. Adapting to these trends will empower organizations to benefit from judicious investments in technologies currently operational in their business and those under consideration for future deployment. This strategic alignment ensures the maximization of returns and long-term viability.

2. Rise of the builders

Aligning these trends with your business strategy can enhance the capabilities of your workforce and developers. This integration fosters continuous development and efficiency, ensuring sustained business growth.

3. Deliver the value

Technologies under this category emphasize continuous improvement processes and the consistent delivery of organizational value. By adopting these trends, businesses can uphold operational excellence while continually enhancing their value proposition.

Here is " 10 strategic technology trends for 2024 "
Essential Insights for Businesses!

1. AI TRiSM: AI Trust, Risk, and Security Management

AI TRiSM establishes standards and criteria for the widespread use of AI technology, ensuring increased security and responsibility. Gartner predicts that organizations adopting AI TRiSM by 2026 will enhance AI decision-making capabilities and eliminate up to 80% of faulty and illegitimate information.

2. CTEM: Continuous Threat Exposure Management

CTEM manages cyber threat risks continuously within an organization, evaluating vulnerabilities and weak points in both digital systems and tangible assets. Gartner anticipates that, by 2026, organizations prioritizing their security investments based on a CTEM program will realize a two-thirds reduction in breaches.

3. Sustainable Technology

In a world with limited resources, Sustainable Technology focuses on creating digital solutions aligned with the principles of Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG). This ensures that widely adopted IT operations in the future are efficient and socially responsible. Gartner believes that, by 2027, 1/4 of CIOs' will have compensation linked to their sustainable technology impact.

4. Platform Engineering

Platform engineering involves building self-service platforms for developers within an organization to enhance operational efficiency. Gartner predicts that, by 2026, over 80% of organizations producing software will establish internal provider platforms teams as internal providers of reusable services, components and tools for application delivery.

5. AI-Augmented Development

AI-augmented development leverages AI technology to assist developers in designing, coding, and testing applications. This results in significant time savings, allowing developers and testers to focus on core development tasks. Gartner foresees that by 2028, over 75% of developers will use AI coding assistants, a substantial increase from the less than 10% in 2023. 

6. Industry Cloud Platforms (ICPs)

Industry Cloud Platforms are cloud technologies specifically designed to serve each industry, enhancing flexibility and speed in creating industry-specific value. By 2027, over 50% of organizations are expected to use industry cloud platforms to accelerate their business initiatives, up from less than 15% in 2023.

7. Intelligent Applications

Intelligent Applications utilize AI technology to improve user experiences by learning, automatically adapting responses, and providing tailored recommendations. By 2026, over 30% of introduced applications will use AI to customize personalized user interfaces for individual users, up from under 5% today.

8. Democratized Generative AI

Generative AI becomes more accessible, evolving into a public technology that enhances user capabilities without requiring extensive expertise. Gartner predicts that by 2023, over 80% of organizations will adopt Generative AI as models or APIs, deploying generative AI-enabled  applications in production environments, an increase from fewer than 5% today.

9. Augmented Connected Workforce (ACWF)

ACWF is a new strategy aimed at maximizing workforce potential by combining intelligent technology with employee data analysis and skill enhancement. It is anticipated that, by 2027, over 25% of CIOs will employ this strategy to develop essential skills in key roles, reducing the time for workforce skill development by up to 50%. 

10. Machine Customer (Cusmobot)

Cusmobot represents non-human customers capable of making independent purchasing decisions. Gartner envisions that, by 2028, there will be over 15 billion products with this capability, with projections for additional growth in the future. This growth is expected to drive transactions exceeding one trillion dollars by 2030. In addition, machine customers will render 20% of human-readable digital storefronts obsolete.

Why Businesses Should Pay Attention to These Technology Trends?

All 10 technology trends outlined here are crucial and possess the potential to transform and create significant opportunities in the business landscape within the next 3 years. In an era where artificial intelligence (AI) plays a pivotal role and continues to grow, businesses should adapt to stay current. Leveraging technology to expand business opportunities is imperative.

The decision to incorporate these trends into your company should be based on your organization's business goals and considerations for adopting these technologies appropriately. It's essential to align these technologies with your organizational objectives to maximize the benefits for your company.

For businesses in 2024, the key is to remain adaptable and up-to-date. using technological tools in the future won't be a challenging task anymore. If your business still relies on traditional or manual operational methods, considering integrating technology to streamline processes, reduce time, enhance efficiency, and open up opportunities for exponential growth. And if your business is using technology tools currently, those might not be sufficient for efficient operations in the future. Therefore, " being prepared and executing a clear strategy" with those  strategic technology trends can probably height the growth of every organization .

In a world where technology is a critical driving force leading us to a new era, the importance of being tech-savvy cannot be overstated.

At House of Dev Technology, we are a technology solutions development company that understands the core of business operations. We recognize the significance and benefits of applying technology to manage organizations. We firmly believe that suitable and user-friendly technology solutions can develop the potential of an organization beyond expectations and completeness. 

source: Gartner